Funders & Supporters
The Financials
Sources of Revenue

Expense Allocations

C4C receives 82% of its revenues from generous individuals, foundations, and corporations (contributed revenue) which support its mission to empower college students to ignite change for the next generation. The other 18% of total funding derives from school contracts (earned revenue).
Total revenues in FY2023 equalled $1,903,982 with expenses of $1,309,753, and net income of $594,229.
C4C allocates 67% or two-thirds of its total revenue to its mission of School Programming. Operational expenses equal 22% of the budget, and Fundraising 11%. C4C’s level of expenditures are superior to the BBB recommendation that nonprofits spend under 35% on fundraising and at least 65% on programs.
C4C thanks the following donors whose gifts between July 1, 2022–June 30, 2023 enabled us to change the lives of young people throughout the region
Echoing Green
Rob & Karen Hale
Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education
New York Life Aim High
Rhode Island Foundation
*Indicates Multi-Year Commitment